There was a time in my childhood when my mother and I would visit
Grandpa Beattie at his apartment in Lachine once a week. After Granny Beattie
died, my mother began these weekly visits, bringing food, company and love to
her elderly father. On Saturday afternoons, if my father wasn’t working the
night shift, Mom and I would get in the old green Comet and head over the
Mercier Bridge to the island of Montreal.
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Grandpa Beattie and Mom on his 91st birthday |
The Mercier has a span of about one-and-a-half-kilometres (about
a mile) and is high enough for ocean-going freighters to pass under as they
travel the St. Lawrence Seaway. I’ve been on longer, higher bridges, but none
loom larger in my psyche than the Mercier.

Even now I can travel the route in my mind. I see the weathered grey wood and empty windows
of the abandoned shack, surely haunted, beside the railroad tracks just outside
of town; then came the four skinny transmission towers standing like giant
silent sentinels in the mowed field, their blinking lights flashing off and on,
off and on, indefinitely, endlessly, always, and at the base of each tower a
tiny white cabin, like four industrial-age fairy-tale cottages, and behind this
scene the woods, dense, dark and impenetrable by the eye. And I remember
Kahnawake—the native reserve sandwiched between Chateauguay and the Mercier—and
its deserted dirt roads and tiny houses that evoked a wariness and sadness in
me at the same time.
Each of these places I could explore, they are so rich in
meaning. But the bridge beckons.
When I was very young, on our post-church Sunday visits to
Granny Dore’s in Notre Dame de Grace, I’d cuddle on my mother’s lap until I was
old enough to float between my parents on the big bench seat up front. My older
sisters and brother got to sit “in the back.” In those early days, cushioned by
my family, crossing the St. Lawrence wasn’t frightening, just exciting.
It was years later on the Saturday afternoon drives alone
with my mother, a nervous driver, that the crossing became a danger I both dreaded and desired,
and one that still makes my heart quicken.
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Me, Marg, Kerry the dog and The Comet |
Just visible ahead are the steel ribs of the bridge’s first
arch, but it is off to the left, seemingly disconnected from the road we are
on, which climbs and climbs ahead of us toward the horizon line seeming to end
there, suggesting, against reason, that we will simply drive off the 138 into
the seaway below. Instead, the road curves sharply and surprisingly to the left,
and we are on the bridge.
To my right is a guardrail of three horizontal bars of rusty
steel that is startlingly low and looks more like a flimsy wooden split-rail
fence than something to keep a car from hurtling over the edge. It’s more of a
suggestion of separation than an actual barrier, like a red velvet cordon
in front of a museum display. At least it’s easy to see over.
I sit up straight and peer down. The still grey waters of
the seaway are clogged with chunks of ice that bob gently like puzzle pieces washed
clean of pattern and colour.
I look quickly to the left to see if the lift is up or down
on the train bridge that stretches out across the seaway a few kilometers to
the north. It’s down. It will be so all winter till the ice on the seaway
clears and shipping resumes in spring, but it’s my habit to check it on each
crossing, so I do.
We pass under the geometry of the first arch and I’m drawn
to the section of the train bridge that crosses the river proper. It brings to
mind my father’s oft-repeated stories of how poor Irish boys from Griffintown,
the slum that clung to the canal in east end Montreal where he grew up, would
cross the train bridge on foot before the Mercier was built.
I never knew whether to believe him when he said he and his brothers and cousins once made the crossing. It was beyond daring and I did not think of him as a man of daring. I knew the back-story: the boys were lured, he said, by the promise of a good swim in the river and an afternoon on the clean beaches of the south shore—a wholesome escape from the gritty poverty and industrial edge of his inner-city neighbourhood. Their motivation sounded reasonable, but walking a mile on a train bridge over the St. Lawrence did not. It was insane, even in my child’s eyes.
They made it, of course, because they knew the train
schedules, he said, but he never told this story without telling another, and
like most of my dad’s stories, it ended with grim moral.
“One time, a guy died on that bridge,” went the cautionary
tale. “Got halfway across, turned around and saw a train was coming.”
“What could he do?” he shrugged. The rhetorical response hung
between us, suspended in heavy air, like the image the story conjured.
So on every crossing I checked the bridge for trains and for
the silhouette of a solitary soul walking the long span. No one was ever there
but I always saw the boy in my mind’s eye—such a lonely landscape.
Fast upon crossing the seaway, we pass over a thin spit of
land that separates the manmade shipping lane from the wider, wilder river. It
is here I feel most vulnerable.
I look to the right again through the rusted grey rails and
down into steel-grey fathoms whipped into whitecaps by the winds that forever
chase the St. Lawrence. These are the waters that might have claimed my father
not just once as a boy, but again as a man.
This was my mother’s story to tell.
“He said, ‘Marry me, Ev. If you don’t, I’ll jump off the
Mercier Bridge.’” So goes my mother's telling of his marriage proposal.
I knew how that story ended, but the “what if” it implied haunted
each crossing. I imagined my father on the bridge, not jumping but stepping calmly
and sadly into air. The image went no further, but left him one foot on the
bridge, one foot off.
I also knew my father well enough to know he’d made the proposal with
a mocking twinkle in his eye. I knew neither of them ever really believed he
would carry out the threat, but still…this love he offered did not seem light,
but heavy with responsibility.
My father’s stories form and flash faster in my mind than a single
spoken word on each crossing of the Mercier, even as I sit holding warm
fragrant gingerbread on this Red Riding-like trip to Grandpa’s.
Next on this crossing, something unexpected happened. There
is something in the water. A very small boat is in the open river waters that
run too deep and fast to freeze in winter, the ones that now chop and churn and
lift the small vessel on crests that rise and fall in a chaotic rhythm. Inside
the boat a man is standing up, arms outstretched.
“Mom, mom! There’s someone down there.”
“There’s a little boat in the water with a man all alone!”
“Are you sure?”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes! LOOK! LOOK! Mom!”
“No!” She sounds angry, an event so rare that I’m shocked
into silence, but I sense this anger springs from fear. Her hands grip the
wheel tightly at 2 and 10 and there is panic in her voice when she says: “I
can’t look, Kathleen. Don’t tell me to look down there because if I do the car
will go that way.”
That was how I learned of the supernatural, powerful gravitational
pull of the river. How if you looked at it, it might pull you under. And I knew
then that the separation of bridge and river was a tenuous one that could be
breached by me at any moment, not just by an unlucky boy who died long before I
was born or by a man with a flair for melodrama. I, too, was living on the

It has taken such a lot of my life to realize just how much
courage crossing the bridge requires, and that each of us must cross alone with
what wits we have and what courage we can summon.
It’s only now, too, that I can see how much courage my
mother had on all her crossings of the Mercier. Her fear had always been
present, an unseen undercurrent in the car, an invisible passenger between us.
But she did it for love. She knew, too, that it was crucial to keep her eyes on
the road, to cross with the knowledge of the dangers below, but also to not
dwell too long on the river’s power, but accept that it flows on and on and
always will.
I know now that each of us must deal with the troll beneath
the bridge in our own time and way. In the end, the river will be waiting to
carry us downstream, and maybe we will go to it with arms outstretched in
supplication and awe, but while we’re on the bridge, we must keep the car on
the road and steer toward love.